Monday, March 4, 2013

LAD #33

FDR's First Inaugural Address
Roosevelt starts his Inaugural Address with a few simple statements, one being the famous "the only thing we have to fear is fear itself".  He goes on to explain that he will provide the leadership needed to get the nation out of their darkest hour.  He understands that many people have become unable to support themselves and have lost everything.  Many are struggling to survive without a job, and no one can deny these issues.  Compared to what others of an earlier nation had to endure though, the nation still has many things to be grateful for.  Many of the people who are struggling try to help themselves only by digging a deeper hole.  Americans must realize that money does not bring happiness but rather achievement and new ideas.  Once people realize that material wealth and power are not the most important things in life they will be one step closer to restoration.  But the nation needs to put people to work and create new jobs.  Also, there need to be changes in the usage of land throughout the country to help farmers and transportation.  Lastly there need to be restraints put in place to prevent another event such as this one.  Although foreign trade is important, the national economy is more important by far.  He also believed that nationalism was a key part of the restoration of the nation.  This depression has proven how much Americans depend on one another and show how necessary unity really is.  He hopes that between the executive and legislative branches, these necessary steps to restoration can be taken.  If Congress does not do anything to stop the crisis than Roosevelt is prepared to ask for more power as president.  Roosevelt reminds the Americans to remain faithful in democracy and patient as he carries out this plan of action.

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