Monday, December 10, 2012

LAD #21

Andrew Carnegie:  The Gospel of Wealth(1889)
Carnegie explains that wealth need not be distributed equally but the rich and poor must exist harmoniously.  The contrast between the lives of the rich and the poor has become very much more noticeable in the past few hundred years.  But citizens should welcome these changes because they are essential for progress.  Surplus wealth can be passed down in the family it can be invested in public projects or it can be used by it's owner.  It is not well for the children and wife though if they be burdened with such a large fortune so they should be allowed moderates allowances.  If a man chooses to give money to the public at the time of his death, he must be content that his money will not do good until after his death.  Estate taxes are much more expensive after death though, to encourage men to use their wealth during their lifetimes.  If a man spends his vast wealth it then spreads to other less wealthy people and is more valuable to everyone.  Carnegie believes that men of vast wealth should live modestly and think of ways that his own wealth can benefit others less wealthy than himself.

Monday, November 26, 2012

LAD #20

Emancipation Proclamation:  January 1, 1863

Lincoln announces that all slaves in any state or part of a state are now officially free in accordance to the US government and the military will act to maintain the freedom of these people.  If a majority of representatives is present for a state than therefore that state is not in rebellion against the United States.Lincoln then announces which of the states are in rebellion as a necessary war measure these states include Arkansas, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, and Virginia.  All current slaves in those states are therefore freed and this will be recognized by the government and military of the US.  Lincoln asks these newly freed slaves to abstain from violence unless necessary and they will be received into the armed service of the US.  This is an act of justice supported by the constitution and favor of God.

LAD #19

Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address
Lincoln starts by explaining that he really has little to say.  He believes that the civil war has absorbed all of the possible power of the government and the people of the US.  At that time there was no way to make a prediction of how the conflict would end.  With his first Inaugural Address everything was about the impending outbreak of war and how the Union could be saved.  One side fought to make war and ruin the union while the other fought the war only to save the union.  A large part of the southern population was made up of slaves and their cause somehow led the nation to war.  Neither side of the conflict expected a war of such magnitude and length.  The prayers of both sides to the same God could not be answered.  If God wills it for the fighting to continue then that is what will happen.  Lincoln hopes that the nation will resolve their issues and care for those causalities caused by the fighting so that the US can once again thrive in peaceful times.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

LAD #18

Dred Scott Decision
As the court discussed the case it was clear that a decision in favor of Sanford was favored.  But the court was overlooking the larger issues of Negro citizenship and disagreement over the Missouri Compromise.  The court chose Justice Nelson to write the decision but found that his opinion overlooked these issues.  So, they decided to have Chief Justice Roger B. Taney write the decision and include all of the issues in mind.   Americans knew the decision was coming and President-elect James Buchanan contacted the Supreme court asking for their decision before his inauguration.  Soon after Buchanan was aware of the decision and used his inauguration to support the court and their decision.  Soon after the decision was announced in court.  Taney explained that Negroes whether free or slave were not citizens of the US and therefore Scott did not have the right to sue in a federal court.  In regards to the Missouri Compromise Taney explained that the government could not act outside of the constitution.  Therefore, the Missouri Compromise was unconstitutional because it deprived slaveholders of their property(slaves).  After this Taney had one more decision, was Scott free?  He decided that he was not free because the status of a slave does not change after travel to a free state.  Taney decided that the case be dismissed for lack of jurisdiction and sent to a lower court under the same instructions, therefore ruling in favor of Sanford.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

LAD #17

Sojourner Truth: "Ain't I a Woman?"

Truth speaks about how women aren't getting rights because men believe they need help with everything.  But she as a black woman has never received help.  She was a slave who was forced to work everyday.  She is a woman, isn't she?  Black men say women can't have the same rights as man because Christ was a man.  Christ, though, came from God and a woman, but not man.  If the first woman could change the world then women today can too and the men shouldn't get in their way.

LAD #16

Frederick Douglass is speaking to the people about the great American principles of political freedom and justice which the Declaration gives us. But he then adds that he as a black man does not share these rights.  The 4th of July is not a day to rejoice for him the rights shared to us by our fathers are not shared by him and other African Americans.  He tries to tell people that they must remember the millions who are still in chains because of American slavery.  He goes on to explain how terribly unjust and against the very foundations of the country slavery is.  Negroes just want to be looked at as equal to the white race.  He says that he will not waste his breath talking about how wrong slavery is because everyone already knows how wrong it is.  The Fourth of July to an American slave is a reminder of the injustice and cruelty they experience everyday.  This day is a sham, filled with hypocrisy, all of the things Americans celebrate are not true to the slaves.  He ends by saying that slavery in the US is the worst abuse in the world.

Friday, November 16, 2012

LAD #15

Gettysburg Address
The US was created under an important phrase, "all men are created equal".  The Civil War is testing whether a nation of such origins of liberty can survive.  Americans gave their lives in this war so that the nation might live on.  In the future words would not be remember but actions of this time period would be remembered.  So, in the name of those who have already given their lives, Lincoln believes the fighting must continue until there can be such devotion that creates a new birth of freedom and the American government which will not perish quite like its people.

LAD #14

Lincoln's First Inaugural Address
Lincoln starts by saying that he doesn't believe it's necessary to address matters that are not urgent at the time.  So, he goes right into assuring the south that there is no reason to feel their security is endangered.  He has no interest in interfering with slavery in the south because he does not believe he has the right to do so.  States have control over their own domestic policies and that must be maintained to maintain a balance of power.  He reiterates that with the new Administration does not plan to take that power away from any states and also will protect each state with the same respect no matter what their policies may be.  Any slaves that may escape will be returned to their rightful place as stated in the Constitution.  There may be controversy over whether the state or federal government should enforce it but either way it will be enforced.  Lincoln as he enters office has no intention of twisting the constitution and he believes everyone else shouldn't either.  This is a particularly difficult time to be President but if he follows the constitution, he believes the Union will prevail.  However, if this Union could be destroyed lawfully by one or more states then the Union is less perfect than before the Constitution.  No state on it's own can lawfully leave the Union.  Lincoln believes the Union is unbroken and that the laws of the Union must be followed in every state.  Fighting or violence is not necessary unless it is forced upon national authority.  Lincoln is not speaking to those who want to destroy the Union but instead those who truly love the Union.  All constitutional rights have been maintained and will continue to be maintained.  If a minority were to secede, they would destroy themselves and any part of that confederacy may secede yet again.  Secession is the essence of anarchy as unanimity is impossible so the will of a minority is being enforced.  Lincoln does remember that constitutional questions are to be decided by the Supreme Court and their decisions must be obeyed.  Slavery is the only true issue and a break in the Union would make both sides of the argument unhappy.  The country will never be able to separate in a physical sense as there can be no wall built between us.  The US belongs to its citizens and when they are unhappy with something, they have the right to amend or ever overthrow in revolution.  He explains that his duty as president is to look over the government that is given to him by his predecessor.  Those who are frustrated are frustrating themselves by taking time as none of their constitutional rights have been impaired.  The future of the Union is in the hands of its citizens, who are in all respects friends, not enemies.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

LAD #13

The Clay Compromise Measures

John Calhoun believed that the disagreements regarding slavery if not resolved soon would lead to disunion and wanted to give his opinion on how to stop this from happening.  He knew that he didn't know exactly what to do but he started by figuring out what it was that was ruining the Union in the first place.  It was universal southern discontent regarding slavery and more that was hurting the Union.  But then what was causing this discontent?  Contrary to popular belief, the Southern parties were not trying to excite this discontent, they were doing the opposite.  This discontent was caused by the belief that people in the south could not go on living if the Union did not make changes.  And, now, what caused this belief?  Obvious slavery had to come up as it had caused agitation in the South for years.  In addition, though, the North had exclusive power in the federal government and were therefore dominant in every part of government.  There were also many territories that would soon join the Union and add to the Northern section, while there were no territories in progress for the Southern section.  The south had not been given access to the newly acquired territory from the treaty with Mexico because the North took it all for themselves.  The government had also implemented a system of revenue which derived money from duties on imports which heavily impacted the mainly exporting states of the south.  All of these observations clearly explain why the  North has dominance in government due to it's increase in population and states.  Slavery is tearing the nation apart as most northerners are strongly opposed and see it as a sin.  Calhoun know though that if the States abolish slavery the south will almost certainly secede.  Disunion is not caused by disagreement over just one issue.  Disunion is caused by a long process that slowly breaks the ties between the two parties.  Once the two parties are broken apart then there is basically nothing holding them together.  So how can the Union be saved?  Calhoun explained that the South must be given the same opportunities and liberties as the North and only the North can do that.  If the north really wanted to save the Union they would give up some things to the south for the sake of the country.  But a decision needed to be made whether it was compromise or peaceful separation action needed to take place.


Polk's War Message, 1846
Polk starts by explaining that the US greatly desires peace with Mexico and will take measures such as adjusting their border to establish good relations with Mexico.  The US has made attempts at compromise but the Mexican Government has refused these propositions and even invaded US soil.  He explains that it was agreed upon that a group of men from the US would travel to Mexico to discuss and resolve all problems in question by both the US and Mexican Government.  The Americans were treated with respect in Vera Cruz but soon were turned away due to the revolutionary sentiment in Texas.  Just five days after the Americans had turned back, General Herrera gave up the presidency then and a military leader took control.  Polk then tried again and told his men to present their credentials and ask to be received by General Paredes.  The Mexican government had been completely transformed since it had been an abnormal succession.  Because of these changes the American men could not do anything and returned home.  The Government of Mexico therefore, had violated trust and refused to negotiate with men who were extremely ready to do so.  Polk then explained his placement of sufficient military force to defend Texas from Mexican invasion, since she had decided to annex herself into the US.  In 1836 Texas officially became a part of the Union and had control over the land between the Nueces and the Rio del Norte.  The southwestern border of Texas seemed vulnerable to attack so the Government established military stations and forces to protect this area.  The troops in this area were under direct orders to refrain from any aggressive actions towards the Mexican nation.  In March, 1837 the troops moved from Corpus Christi to the left bank of the Del Norte.  The General of the Mexican forces ordered that these American troops break up camp and when they refused, the Mexican forces attacked and caused a short battle in which men were killed and wounded.  Therefore, the Mexican government is obviously unwilling to enforce rules established by treaties pledging faith.  Because of these actions US commerce with Mexico came to an abrupt halt hurting both countries.  The US supported the Texans in their actions because they recognized Texas as an independent nation.  Because of the Mexican hostilities, the two countries are now at war; A war caused by acts of Mexico.

Monday, November 12, 2012

LAD #11

The Seneca Falls Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions
The women start by explaining that when a group feels entitled to a different role in society than they already possess it is their duty to explain the reasons for this change.  They go on to declare that all men AND WOMEN are created equal and add to that many of their unalienable rights.  Next they explain the ways that men have exercised unfair control over women with a list.
Women have...
  • had no say in elections
  • had to submit to laws they had no say in
  • been withheld rights that even the most ignorant men have enjoyed
  • had no representation and have been oppressed
  • lost all civil dignity in marriage
  • had no right to property
  • been treated as if their husband is their master
  • in divorce lost their children because of male supremacy
  • if single, been forced to pay taxes to a government that does not recognize them
  • been deprived of honorable and profitable careers
  • been denied sufficient schooling
  • been subordinate even in the church
  • had to abide to a different set of morals from men
  • been subject to men's control even when this control should come from God
  • been destroyed in terms of confidence and respect by men
So the women resolve these problems with the following statements.
  • Laws that put women in a position inferior to men have no authority
  • God created women as equals to men and that shall be recognized
  • Women should take charge of their own roles in the country
  • Women should be recognized as morally superior and should have the right to preach
  • The virtues and morals expected of women should also be expected of men
  • It is the women's duty to secure themselves the right to vote
  • Women and men will work together to secure rights for women
Therefore, since women were created with the same capabilities as man, they should enjoy the same rights and treatments as men.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

LAD #10

The Monroe Doctrine

Great Britain had desires for land in the Americas but the United States realized that their rights and interests were involved.  Therefore, the US announced that land in the American continents, no matter what kind of rule it was under, was not to be considered subjects of future colonization.  President Monroe explains that the US government and citizens care deeply about the affairs of other American countries.  When there is a european war the US is not as connected and less obligated to take action.  On the other hand, when the events are taking place in the western hemisphere they have a more direct impact on the United States.  With this being said, the US will consider any nation's attempt to extend their power within this hemisphere as dangerous to the peace of the American nation.  Monroe also says that the US has no intentions of trying to control these nations and the US maintains a policy of neutrality.  In regards to Europe especially, Monroe has no intention to become involved in the issues that are prominant such as Spain and Portugal.  In closing Monroe states that it is impossible for a nation to extend its power over any part of the Americas without endangering US happiness Also, that the US remains true to their policies and does not plan to go into any other American countries and he hopes european nations will do the same.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

LAD #9

Jefferson's First Inaugural Address       

In his first inaugural address Jefferson starts by addressing the people and thanking them for the gift of being the leader of such a great country.  He says it's an honor to be a part of a rising nation although it is also a bit intimidating.  But then he reminds himself that he has the Constitution to help him make decisions and the national legislature to guide him through his presidency.  Next he begins to talk of the liberties that Americans have such as the write to free speech.  Leading him to explain that with the power the people must unite and move towards the common good.  Even if a majority has agreed on something though, it cannot interfere with the rights of the minority.  According to Jefferson, it is crucial that the Americans unite with their common ideals.  It seems as if as he goes on he is warning them not to become involved in political parties.  He believes that the American government is the best in the world, but he goes on to say that only time will tell if that is really true.  The United States is full of opportunities throughout a vast expanse of land that any person is lucky to be a part of.  With all of these blessings the only thing needed to improve lives is a prospering government that does not restrict the rights of it's people but also prevents them from hurting one another.
Jefferson promises to accomplish many goals during his presidency:
  • Equality to all men
  • Peace and commerce with foreign nations
  • Support state governments and their decisions
  • Preservation of the American government
  • Importance of the right of election by the people
  • Support decisions made by the majority
  • Well-disciplined militia
  • Supremacy of civil authority to military
  • Improved economy
  • Honest payment of debts
  • Encouragement of agriculture
  • Freedom of Religion
  • Freedom of press
  • Freedom of the person by Habeas Corpus
To finish he asks the American people to have at least some amount of confidence in him and to forgive him for the mistakes he makes along the way.  Thomas Jefferson announces he is ready to work for the people and to hopefully lead them to further peace and prosperity.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Columbus Blog #8

Was Columbus a hero or a villain?

This is actually something I feel very strongly about partially due to one of my past Social Studies teachers.  I strongly believe that Columbus was a villain and that there are really not many arguments otherwise. He is usually referred to as the first person to discover America and the New World.  But in reality he was just the first European to do so.  Native Americans had been living there for many years and also Russians who crossed the land bridge had already inhabited Northern America.  Not only did he not do these good things but he did many terrible things in the new world.  He arrived and decided that the land was his although there were already Natives who had established civilizations.  But instead of trying to coexist with the natives or assimilate into their culture, Columbus and his men assimilated the Natives into their culture.  Even worse, if the natives refused to do so, Columbus had no mercy or sympathy, instead he killed them.  Overall I believe Columbus was a selfish and pompous man and does not deserve to be celebrated the way he is today.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

LAD #7: Washington's Farewell Address

Washington's Farewell Address:  Washington's first point it to help the American people understand why he must retire.  He believes it is time for someone else to contribute his ideas to the country and maybe someone with more experience and education than him.  He also tries to tell citizens that he has done everything to better the country in office that he could have done.  This is followed by a very sincere thank you for the opportunity he was given to be leader of this new country.He then moves on to his recommendations and warnings for the future, beginning with that of the importance of unity.  Washington says that the unity of this nation is the key to individual happiness and that patriotism must be continued for the good of the US.  He then goes on to warn the states that without each other they could not prosper, or really even function.  The most important thing in the future is that the North, South, East and West remain united.  A government for all of the states is necessary, the country will not survive with alliances between different areas.  He also stresses that the Constitution must be obeyed by all citizens because although the people have the power, they were the ones to establish the government, so all must respect the government.  In addition he warns citizens to thoroughly think through any changes that they may choose to make to the Constitution.  Washington's biggest warning though is probably that which addresses political factions.  HE believes that political factions will lead to men thinking for the benefit of themselves which will lead to the destruction of the sense of unity that holds the country together.  He also stresses the importance of keeping a balance of power in government.  Another warning he gives citizens is to cherish public credit but to use it sparingly.  He talks about how maintaining peace and harmony with other nations is very important to the US's survival.  His belief is that the US should not become politically involved with other countries, but they should become commercially involved with many countries to further the economy.  In giving the citizens this advice Washington hopes that they will carry on with peace and prosperity even when a new president is put in office.

LAD #6: Washington's Proclamation of Neutrality

Washington's Proclamation of Neutrality:  In this document Washington focuses on what the US policy will be in response to war in Europe between many powerful countries.  He states that the US will adopt a policy of neutrality and that all US citizens should avoid any action that interferes with this policy.  He also makes clear that any citizen who does take action against any of the countries at war will not be protected by the US from then on.  This along with the fact that there will be punishments for interfering led to many citizens quickly abiding by this new policy.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Republican Motherhood Blog

Republican Motherhood:

1.  The Revolutionary War brought about a period of great pride in the American people.  This led them to start to worry about later generations as shown in Document A.  Americans needed to be sure that this sense of pride in America was passed on to later generations.  This task was left to the American women and without the Revolutionary sense of patriotism women may have never gained this important duty.

2.  The Republican Motherhood led to a lot more pressure and responsibility for women in the US.  In document A it is made clear that a woman's domestic duties come before everything else.  A woman's only duty in life is to raise and enlighten children to become patriotic Americans.  According to Document B they were also now expected to have a certain degree of education to qualify them to raise good American citizens.  To be looked at as qualified to be an American women they had to have a knowledge of language, geography, figures, bookkeeping and good handwriting. Women were not used to having to be so educated so this was an important change.  To make it even more intimidating, in Document D Jonathan Stearns explains that the destiny of the nation depends on the women.

3.  Republican Motherhood helped to socialize women first by educating them more than ever before.  Due to their new level of knowledge they were looked at differently in society, in a better light. Men were more comfortable talking to them about important issues.  In Document D it actually states that a woman's power is not contained in the house.  In the document it is brought up that women also have complete control over society and social life.


1.  The setting in this portrait is very neutral and looks like it may be furniture from a living room.  Although it looks somewhat like a home it also looks as if the woman has become important and has moved on from the home.
2.  The woman is in the center of the portrait because she is the head of the household and she has control of the family.  The woman looks important and also not overly made up.  She is showing a more natural and everyday look.  This also makes her look less aristocratic, she has little make up and is wear a fairly average dress.  
3.  Her sons show a love for brotherhood, especially the boy on the left.  The boy on the left also shows a respect for living things and they both show poise.
4.  Yes, her arm looks almost as if it is protecting the boys which represents her position of importance in their lives and education.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

LAD #5: Federalist #10

Federalist #10                                                                    

1. Why are factions so difficult to eliminate?  It is human nature to form opinions on different issues, and these opinions often become filled with passion.  This leads people to find other people who have the same opinions and discuss with them, thus creating political factions.  One topic that has often led to disagreement in the past is the uneven distribution of property.   Men who do not own property will almost always have different opinions then men who do.  This also leads to the questioning of legislature.  If men want things that will be of good to themselves and people like them, then if there is a majority of people who live one way the laws passed will often go to help people like them.

2.  If factions cannot be removed then how can they be controlled?  One way to control factions is to not let a faction with the majority have all the power.  Keep power balanced even if there is an obvious majority in one faction.  Some politicians believe that if all men were equal in right then there would be no factions because they would have the same opinions and passions.  Also, such opinions filled with so much passion are very unlikely to spread throughout a country or even a state.  Most opinions do not take over an area larger than a county or district.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Blog #4- Revolution Article

Revolution Article:                                                                        Battle of King's Mountain

1.) After the Revolution, in Boston, the Elite tried to downplay the role of the city's peoples roles in majors revolts leading to the revolution.  They were confronted by labor movement by the working class, so they gave a false history that minimized the role of the Boston working class in a protest against the Stamp Act and also the Boston Tea Party.

2.)  Washington did little to commemorate the cruelty of the war and the many deaths that it brought.  He unlike Lincoln never really said anything remarkable regarding the war and he also never requested a date or anything to be remembered in honor of the war or it's battles.

3.)  Many loyalists were taken into brutality following their capture especially at King's Mountain.  There loyalists were marched into captivity but many were murdered on the march.  Once they had arrived several loyalists were executed after being put on trial.

4.)  During the Revolutionary War, the American civilians were deeply affected by disease and battle.  Many civilians died of diseases that were spread throughout the colonies by both British and American troops.  Civilians were also killed by British home invasions that ruined homes, plantations, and other buildings.  Brutal Indian attacks are also to blame for countless civilian lives.

5.)  After the British had surrendered, many loyalists were punished harshly for their betrayal.  State governments confiscated their land and property.  Some states even decided to banish specific loyalists for their actions.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

LAD #3: The Declaration of Independence

The Declaration of Independence                    

1.)  The introduction of the Declaration of Independence centers around the fact that all men are created equal and they all have certain rights that they cannot be denied.  It goes on to explain that if a government is restricted these rights of men that they have a right to dispose of the government.  The people have the right to overthrow a government which does not have their best interests in mind and does not fit their needs.  If this is true of a government the men must overthrow it and replace it with a government that does fit the needs of it's people.  The introduction closes by stating that Britain has taken advantage of the colonies in this manner and it will not be tolerated.

2.)  The Declaration of Independence includes many grievances of the colonists but some are exceptionally important.  They complained that the King did not pass laws that were necessary in the colonies nor did he allow the governors to.  He has interfered with the colonists right to a representative body because of their protest of his actions.  Colonists said that even in times of peace the King kept his standing armies, made colonists provide them a place to stay, and protecting them from murder charges that were committed against Americans.  The King cut off colonists trade with other countries and imposed taxes on them without their consent.  He had taken away the colonist's charters and suspended their legislatures.  The colonists also believe that the King had evoked the Indians to attack colonists and had not done anything to stop it.

3.)  To close the Declaration of Independence they explain that they have tried to end these practices before but they are never addressed by the King and that the King's actions are those of a tyrant.  The colonists explain that they did not want to fight with the British but they have been ignored and therefore they must separate from Britain.  To finish they declare the colonies to be free and independent states with no obligations to the King.  The colonies have the power to rule their own country and they pledge their lives to one another.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

LAD #2: John Peter Zenger

John Peter Zenger Trial                                                         
                                                                                              Burning of the New York Weekly Journal

1. Who was John Peter Zenger? John Peter Zenger was a German immigrant living in New York when Governor William Cosby took office.  Zenger soon took interest in Cosby's oppressive nature and, when offered the job, became the printer and editor of the New York Weekly Journal.  This newspaper soon became the voice of opposition to Governor Cosby which led him to arrest Zenger.
2. What was the controversy over his charges? Talk about Hamilton's defense.  Zenger was charged with Seditious libel by the Governor.  Hamilton did agree that Zenger's stories were seditious seeing as they did criticize Governor Cosby.  But Hamilton argued that Zengers statements were not libel because they were true.  The jury agreed that these statements were true and therefore not libel so they returned with a verdict of not guilty.
3. What influence did his case have on American governmental tradition?  It is likely that this case had an important role in the beginning of free speech.  The verdict showed that American people had the right to share their thoughts with others in a public way.  It also eventually led to the addition of free speech to the constitution and the importance of this concept to the American identity.
4. What is the lasting significance of his trial? Explain.  This case proved that people of significant power could not arrest others just because they had something bad to say. It also proved that authority figures could not hide their corruption because the American people had the right to expose their wrongs.  Overall it solidified the right of the common people to express discontent with a superior.

Friday, September 7, 2012

LAD #1 Mayflower Compact & Fundamental Orders of Connecticut

Mayflower Compact & Fundamental Orders of CT

1.)What concepts are included in the Mayflower Compact?  One concept that the Mayflower Compact contains is that of a united civil body that is established for the good of the people. It is clear that the men who wrote this agreement agreed that they would be better off in the new world if they had the support of each other instead of going about life on their own. Another important concept discussed in the document is that of complete obedience to the mother country, England, and King James.  It is emphasized that everything these settlers do is in honor of the King and their main goal is to please him.

2.)How does the Mayflower Compact reflect and attachment to both the "Old" and "New" worlds?  The Mayflower Compact clearly reflects an attachment to the "Old" world in speaking of the King and their loyalty to England.  This attachment is also shown through the importance of the church in their minds when creating a civilized colony.  The Mayflower Compact also reflects an attachment to the "New" world simply in making a colony that is although partially governed by the king, is somewhat self-governed also. The fact that they include equal rights in the document proves "New" world tendencies.

3.)How did the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut differ from the Mayflower Compact?  The most prominent difference in the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut is the much more extensive detail.  This document includes many very specific laws that were of great importance to the people of the colony.  These descriptive laws most likely made it much easier to succeed in establishing a stable colony which may explain why Connecticut was successful while Plymouth was not.

4.)What prompted the colonists of Connecticut to take this approach to government, i.e.: use of a written Constitution?  The colonists believed that in order to maintain peace and please god an orderly government needed to be established.  By forming a written constitution it gave everyone the same set of laws that needed to be obeyed to establish a strong colony.  They also wanted to be sure that not only themselves but their descendants would stand together and be united for the common good of the people.

5.)In what significant way(s) does the Fundamental Orders reflect a fear of and safeguard against the usurping of power by one person or a chosen few?  One way the Fundamental Orders reflected fear of too much power was by restricting governors to only one term every two years. This was established so that no one governor could hold power for an excessive amount of time.  Another way the Fundamental Orders restricted power was by giving the people greater power as a whole than that which was given to the governor and the magistrates. In the case of a disagreement between the authority figures and the freemen, the freemen would have the right to take control and the right to the use of a general court.