Monday, November 26, 2012

LAD #20

Emancipation Proclamation:  January 1, 1863

Lincoln announces that all slaves in any state or part of a state are now officially free in accordance to the US government and the military will act to maintain the freedom of these people.  If a majority of representatives is present for a state than therefore that state is not in rebellion against the United States.Lincoln then announces which of the states are in rebellion as a necessary war measure these states include Arkansas, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, and Virginia.  All current slaves in those states are therefore freed and this will be recognized by the government and military of the US.  Lincoln asks these newly freed slaves to abstain from violence unless necessary and they will be received into the armed service of the US.  This is an act of justice supported by the constitution and favor of God.

LAD #19

Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address
Lincoln starts by explaining that he really has little to say.  He believes that the civil war has absorbed all of the possible power of the government and the people of the US.  At that time there was no way to make a prediction of how the conflict would end.  With his first Inaugural Address everything was about the impending outbreak of war and how the Union could be saved.  One side fought to make war and ruin the union while the other fought the war only to save the union.  A large part of the southern population was made up of slaves and their cause somehow led the nation to war.  Neither side of the conflict expected a war of such magnitude and length.  The prayers of both sides to the same God could not be answered.  If God wills it for the fighting to continue then that is what will happen.  Lincoln hopes that the nation will resolve their issues and care for those causalities caused by the fighting so that the US can once again thrive in peaceful times.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

LAD #18

Dred Scott Decision
As the court discussed the case it was clear that a decision in favor of Sanford was favored.  But the court was overlooking the larger issues of Negro citizenship and disagreement over the Missouri Compromise.  The court chose Justice Nelson to write the decision but found that his opinion overlooked these issues.  So, they decided to have Chief Justice Roger B. Taney write the decision and include all of the issues in mind.   Americans knew the decision was coming and President-elect James Buchanan contacted the Supreme court asking for their decision before his inauguration.  Soon after Buchanan was aware of the decision and used his inauguration to support the court and their decision.  Soon after the decision was announced in court.  Taney explained that Negroes whether free or slave were not citizens of the US and therefore Scott did not have the right to sue in a federal court.  In regards to the Missouri Compromise Taney explained that the government could not act outside of the constitution.  Therefore, the Missouri Compromise was unconstitutional because it deprived slaveholders of their property(slaves).  After this Taney had one more decision, was Scott free?  He decided that he was not free because the status of a slave does not change after travel to a free state.  Taney decided that the case be dismissed for lack of jurisdiction and sent to a lower court under the same instructions, therefore ruling in favor of Sanford.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

LAD #17

Sojourner Truth: "Ain't I a Woman?"

Truth speaks about how women aren't getting rights because men believe they need help with everything.  But she as a black woman has never received help.  She was a slave who was forced to work everyday.  She is a woman, isn't she?  Black men say women can't have the same rights as man because Christ was a man.  Christ, though, came from God and a woman, but not man.  If the first woman could change the world then women today can too and the men shouldn't get in their way.

LAD #16

Frederick Douglass is speaking to the people about the great American principles of political freedom and justice which the Declaration gives us. But he then adds that he as a black man does not share these rights.  The 4th of July is not a day to rejoice for him the rights shared to us by our fathers are not shared by him and other African Americans.  He tries to tell people that they must remember the millions who are still in chains because of American slavery.  He goes on to explain how terribly unjust and against the very foundations of the country slavery is.  Negroes just want to be looked at as equal to the white race.  He says that he will not waste his breath talking about how wrong slavery is because everyone already knows how wrong it is.  The Fourth of July to an American slave is a reminder of the injustice and cruelty they experience everyday.  This day is a sham, filled with hypocrisy, all of the things Americans celebrate are not true to the slaves.  He ends by saying that slavery in the US is the worst abuse in the world.

Friday, November 16, 2012

LAD #15

Gettysburg Address
The US was created under an important phrase, "all men are created equal".  The Civil War is testing whether a nation of such origins of liberty can survive.  Americans gave their lives in this war so that the nation might live on.  In the future words would not be remember but actions of this time period would be remembered.  So, in the name of those who have already given their lives, Lincoln believes the fighting must continue until there can be such devotion that creates a new birth of freedom and the American government which will not perish quite like its people.

LAD #14

Lincoln's First Inaugural Address
Lincoln starts by saying that he doesn't believe it's necessary to address matters that are not urgent at the time.  So, he goes right into assuring the south that there is no reason to feel their security is endangered.  He has no interest in interfering with slavery in the south because he does not believe he has the right to do so.  States have control over their own domestic policies and that must be maintained to maintain a balance of power.  He reiterates that with the new Administration does not plan to take that power away from any states and also will protect each state with the same respect no matter what their policies may be.  Any slaves that may escape will be returned to their rightful place as stated in the Constitution.  There may be controversy over whether the state or federal government should enforce it but either way it will be enforced.  Lincoln as he enters office has no intention of twisting the constitution and he believes everyone else shouldn't either.  This is a particularly difficult time to be President but if he follows the constitution, he believes the Union will prevail.  However, if this Union could be destroyed lawfully by one or more states then the Union is less perfect than before the Constitution.  No state on it's own can lawfully leave the Union.  Lincoln believes the Union is unbroken and that the laws of the Union must be followed in every state.  Fighting or violence is not necessary unless it is forced upon national authority.  Lincoln is not speaking to those who want to destroy the Union but instead those who truly love the Union.  All constitutional rights have been maintained and will continue to be maintained.  If a minority were to secede, they would destroy themselves and any part of that confederacy may secede yet again.  Secession is the essence of anarchy as unanimity is impossible so the will of a minority is being enforced.  Lincoln does remember that constitutional questions are to be decided by the Supreme Court and their decisions must be obeyed.  Slavery is the only true issue and a break in the Union would make both sides of the argument unhappy.  The country will never be able to separate in a physical sense as there can be no wall built between us.  The US belongs to its citizens and when they are unhappy with something, they have the right to amend or ever overthrow in revolution.  He explains that his duty as president is to look over the government that is given to him by his predecessor.  Those who are frustrated are frustrating themselves by taking time as none of their constitutional rights have been impaired.  The future of the Union is in the hands of its citizens, who are in all respects friends, not enemies.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

LAD #13

The Clay Compromise Measures

John Calhoun believed that the disagreements regarding slavery if not resolved soon would lead to disunion and wanted to give his opinion on how to stop this from happening.  He knew that he didn't know exactly what to do but he started by figuring out what it was that was ruining the Union in the first place.  It was universal southern discontent regarding slavery and more that was hurting the Union.  But then what was causing this discontent?  Contrary to popular belief, the Southern parties were not trying to excite this discontent, they were doing the opposite.  This discontent was caused by the belief that people in the south could not go on living if the Union did not make changes.  And, now, what caused this belief?  Obvious slavery had to come up as it had caused agitation in the South for years.  In addition, though, the North had exclusive power in the federal government and were therefore dominant in every part of government.  There were also many territories that would soon join the Union and add to the Northern section, while there were no territories in progress for the Southern section.  The south had not been given access to the newly acquired territory from the treaty with Mexico because the North took it all for themselves.  The government had also implemented a system of revenue which derived money from duties on imports which heavily impacted the mainly exporting states of the south.  All of these observations clearly explain why the  North has dominance in government due to it's increase in population and states.  Slavery is tearing the nation apart as most northerners are strongly opposed and see it as a sin.  Calhoun know though that if the States abolish slavery the south will almost certainly secede.  Disunion is not caused by disagreement over just one issue.  Disunion is caused by a long process that slowly breaks the ties between the two parties.  Once the two parties are broken apart then there is basically nothing holding them together.  So how can the Union be saved?  Calhoun explained that the South must be given the same opportunities and liberties as the North and only the North can do that.  If the north really wanted to save the Union they would give up some things to the south for the sake of the country.  But a decision needed to be made whether it was compromise or peaceful separation action needed to take place.


Polk's War Message, 1846
Polk starts by explaining that the US greatly desires peace with Mexico and will take measures such as adjusting their border to establish good relations with Mexico.  The US has made attempts at compromise but the Mexican Government has refused these propositions and even invaded US soil.  He explains that it was agreed upon that a group of men from the US would travel to Mexico to discuss and resolve all problems in question by both the US and Mexican Government.  The Americans were treated with respect in Vera Cruz but soon were turned away due to the revolutionary sentiment in Texas.  Just five days after the Americans had turned back, General Herrera gave up the presidency then and a military leader took control.  Polk then tried again and told his men to present their credentials and ask to be received by General Paredes.  The Mexican government had been completely transformed since it had been an abnormal succession.  Because of these changes the American men could not do anything and returned home.  The Government of Mexico therefore, had violated trust and refused to negotiate with men who were extremely ready to do so.  Polk then explained his placement of sufficient military force to defend Texas from Mexican invasion, since she had decided to annex herself into the US.  In 1836 Texas officially became a part of the Union and had control over the land between the Nueces and the Rio del Norte.  The southwestern border of Texas seemed vulnerable to attack so the Government established military stations and forces to protect this area.  The troops in this area were under direct orders to refrain from any aggressive actions towards the Mexican nation.  In March, 1837 the troops moved from Corpus Christi to the left bank of the Del Norte.  The General of the Mexican forces ordered that these American troops break up camp and when they refused, the Mexican forces attacked and caused a short battle in which men were killed and wounded.  Therefore, the Mexican government is obviously unwilling to enforce rules established by treaties pledging faith.  Because of these actions US commerce with Mexico came to an abrupt halt hurting both countries.  The US supported the Texans in their actions because they recognized Texas as an independent nation.  Because of the Mexican hostilities, the two countries are now at war; A war caused by acts of Mexico.

Monday, November 12, 2012

LAD #11

The Seneca Falls Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions
The women start by explaining that when a group feels entitled to a different role in society than they already possess it is their duty to explain the reasons for this change.  They go on to declare that all men AND WOMEN are created equal and add to that many of their unalienable rights.  Next they explain the ways that men have exercised unfair control over women with a list.
Women have...
  • had no say in elections
  • had to submit to laws they had no say in
  • been withheld rights that even the most ignorant men have enjoyed
  • had no representation and have been oppressed
  • lost all civil dignity in marriage
  • had no right to property
  • been treated as if their husband is their master
  • in divorce lost their children because of male supremacy
  • if single, been forced to pay taxes to a government that does not recognize them
  • been deprived of honorable and profitable careers
  • been denied sufficient schooling
  • been subordinate even in the church
  • had to abide to a different set of morals from men
  • been subject to men's control even when this control should come from God
  • been destroyed in terms of confidence and respect by men
So the women resolve these problems with the following statements.
  • Laws that put women in a position inferior to men have no authority
  • God created women as equals to men and that shall be recognized
  • Women should take charge of their own roles in the country
  • Women should be recognized as morally superior and should have the right to preach
  • The virtues and morals expected of women should also be expected of men
  • It is the women's duty to secure themselves the right to vote
  • Women and men will work together to secure rights for women
Therefore, since women were created with the same capabilities as man, they should enjoy the same rights and treatments as men.