Monday, January 21, 2013

LAD #26

Martin Luther King- "I Have a Dream"
MLK begins his speech with a reference to the Emancipation Proclamation and how it was a beacon of hope for negros throughout the nation.  But one hundred years later, they are not free but rather held back by segregation and discrimination.  This is what he wants to address and expalin to the American people.  With the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence a life of liberty was promised to every man in America but this has not yet been accomplished.  This is what African Americans were now demading, their right to the true American life.  Most importantly though, the time for this change is now.  If the country does not address this issue now, it will have terrible results of revolt.  But for those African Americans, do not become violent, maintain your dignity and discipline.  Do not hate all white men, as most do not hate us.  African Americans cannot do this alone and they cannot turn back on this mission.  Negroes will not be content until they are complete equals to the white men.  MLK had a dream rooted in the American Dream itself that one day the United States would live up to her promises to all of her inhabitants.  One day the past will be the past and all men no matter their color will be brothers.  With this faith MLK will go south and hopr to transform the nation.  One day freedom will be granted to all no matter the color of their skin.

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