Sunday, January 6, 2013

LAD #24

Bryan's Cross of Gold Speech

On July 9th, 1896, William Jennings Bryan gave his infamous Cross of Gold speech at the Democratic national convention.  He spoke of the ongoing conflict over the use of gold and silver int he economy.  He believed the ratio of gold to silver should be changed to 1:16.  He talks about the importance of money, most importantly silver to the democratic party.  Silver was of such great importance that they were now called the "silver democrats".  He emphasizes the advantages of being Americans and that the workers are the people who should be cared for.  He advocated for free coinage of silver seeing as there was an abundance of the metal.  If this metal was used to their advantage it may solve some of America's economic problems.  The wealthy did possess gold but the majority of the country did not.  If gold continued to be implemented the majority of the nation, the common people would not be able to benefit.  If the poorer americans could use silver they would be able to thrive economically.  Overall for the benefit of the majority of Americans silver should be more commonly used as currency.

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