Tuesday, February 12, 2013

LAD #31

Fourteen Points
Wilson feel responsible for coming up with a plan for peace after the war is over and believes there are several points that must be addressed.  First he explained that the US was getting involved in the Great War only to help other nations and bring peace.  He really truly wanted the world to be in harmony with each other.  To do this he came up with fourteen points which he believed would serve as guidelines to a better world.  First all of the fighting needed to stop and the world needed to be at peace.  His plan addressed issues with Russia, freedom of waterways, and trading rights.  Maybe most important, his plan contained the League of Nations, a global united force of countries.  In the end this part of the plan failed as the United States would not even agree to be a part of it.  Later the US would be leaders of the UN.  But the fourteen points were a huge step towards the US being established as a peacekeeper.  Wilson really had the best interests in mind and wanted his plans to really help free the world from fighting.

Monday, February 4, 2013

LAD #30

Schenck v. United States
Schenck believed that the US draft during the Great War was wrong.  TO spread his opinions, he mailed circulars to draftees which urged them to resist the draft in peaceful ways.  Because of his actions, Schenck was charged with conspiracy to violate the Espionage Act by attempting to cause subordination in the military and to obstruct recruitment.  Schenck was found guilty as Holmes and the unanimous court concluded that he was not protected in this situation by the first amendment.  They said that it all depends on the circumstances.  Schenck's circulars were a clear and present danger.  They were clear because they obviously were advising against the draft and asking for resistance.  They were present because during a war the draft is an extremely important aspect of national security.  Therefore, if the US had not been in war this case may have ended differently but because of the current war, Schenck presented a CLEAR AND PRESENT danger.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

LAD #29

Keating-Owen bill of 1916
In 1900 there were about 2 million children working in the United States.  This simple statistic opened the American public's eyes to how big the issue of child labor was in the nation.  Many famous figures helped  bring attention to this issue such as Lewis Hine, Karl Marx and Charles Dickens.  The Keating-Owen bill was based on Senator Beveridge's proposal and used the government's ability to regulate interstate commerce to regulate child labor.  This act banned the sale of products from any facility that employed children under the aged of 14 and any mine that employed children under the age of 16.  But, later the supreme court ruled it was unconstitutional and that the government did not have that much power.  In 1918 though, the Child Labor Tax Law was passed and it indirectly.  But it too was found unconstitutional by the court.   The Federal Government obviously wanted to regulate child labor but the Supreme Court made it almost impossible to do so.  Federal protection of children would not be obtained until the Fair Labour Standards Act in 1938.  Finally this was victorious and in 1941 the Supreme Court reversed it's earlier opinions and upheld constitutionality of the Fair Labor Standards Act which is still in place today.

LAD #28

President Wilson's First Inaugural Address
Wilson believes that there has been a change in government as the House of Representatives in Democratic, the Senate is about to become democratic and the president and vice president are both democrats.  It is not only a success of the democratic party though, but rather it proves that Americans are ready for change and new ideas.  America is great in it's wealth, as many men have built an industry of great proportions.  But America is also great in it's morals as the people have stood up to right wrongs and help others.  And of course, the great American system of government which  completes the perfect life in America.  But there has also been much evil in the nation.  Americans have wasted lives and money in the quest of industrialism.  The government itself has been too often used for selfish purposes instead of to help the nation's people.  Now both the good and the evil are visible to all.  In response it is now time to cleanse America of the evil without ruining the good.  What needs to happen now is restoration.  There are a few specific things that Wilson wants to address such as the tariff which prevents the US from thriving in world economics.  Other things that need to be altered are, the banking and currency system, the exploitative industrial system, agricultural activities, and undeveloped watercourses.  The government also needs to be a part of these alterations as it need to keep the society which it serves sound.  For example sanitary laws, pure food laws and labor laws are all the duty of the government to put in place.  All of these things need to be addressed but those are not all of the changes that need to be made in the name of justice.  This is a process that needs to be done not through science but though passion.  This is not a victory but instead the beginning of a long journey of hard work and progress.

LAD #27

Clayton Anti-Trust Act
The Clayton Anti-Trust Act was passed to further restrict trusts and monopolies in the American economy. First it establishes that no person or company can discriminate in their prices between different purchasers.  They can of course charge different prices for different quality of quantity in goods.  Next it states that a company or person within the US cannot buy anything from another company or person that would lessen competition and or create a monopoly in any area of commerce.  Lastly it states that no corporation can acquire stock or other share capital of another corporation which would result in lessened competition or a monopoly in any area of commerce.